Exclusive Opportunity to Showcase Your Models
The 2025 CBIA Parade of Homes is a unique and exciting marketing opportunity for your models to shine! Engage potential buyers while you showcase your unique style and craftsmanship!
Prospective Buyers to Your Models
Provide these prospective buyers an opportunity to meet you and realize you can turn their home dreams into a reality
Dynamic Advertising Campaign
Parade of Homes App for iPhone & Droid users – with GPS tracking systems providing Builder model information to include photos for one year
Florida Weekly Parade of Homes Special Edition
The 8-Page Parade of Homes guide will be inserted into Naples Florida Weekly print copies and published online the first two weeks of March with a combined readership of over 98,000
Parade of Homes Website Exposure
Marketing your model all year long on the Parade of Homes website
Increased Exposure
All model information and company logos are linked to your website resulting in an invaluable increase in page views, improved SEO, and credibility for your models
Parade of Homes Virtual Edition
Year-long exposure in the flip-able virtual edition on the CBIA Parade of Homes website
Radio, Television & Social Media Outlets
Continual Parade of Homes marketing on all CBIA social media outlets, local radio before and during Parade activities
Year-long Exclusive Marketing Benefits Package Above – Priceless
Have any questions, Email, Awards@Cbia.net.
Final registration form, participation agreement and payment must be received . ALL MODEL MARKETING MATERIALS must be electronically uploaded by Friday, January 17, 2025 at 2025.paradeofhomesnaples.com
Final Entry Participation Level (payment must be received by 01/10/25)
1 Entry – $3,000 | 2 Entries – $5,000 | 3 Entries – $7,500
4 Entries – $9,000 | 5-7 Entries – $11,250 | 8-11 Entries – $13,500
12-15 Entries – $15,750 | 16+ Entries – Call for Special Pricing.
Logos required and to be uploaded by final due date. (1) logo under 5MB max, jpeg or jpg extension only. 800 pixels wide or greater. No pdf’s will be accepted.
Directional signage for use only within specified communities will be provided (1 model and 3 directional signs (if applicable).
Signs are to be picked up at CBIA before 03/01/2025 and returned by 03/29/2025.
All model addresses must map out on google; if not, you must provide coordinates so that CBIA can provide appropriate directions. No exceptions.
Website Live
Note: You are submitting to the back end of our new website. All of the information will go live February 2025. Your information will be held in “pending status” until that date.
Awards Reception & Presentation
Details to be shared.
Unique & Exclusive Marketing Opportunity
(Must be a CBIA member entrant to participate)
-Parade of Homes website – 1 year – www.ParadeofHomesNaples.com – ($10,000 value)
-Model images on front page (4 images) and ability to add model pictures within the website
-Model is featured in the Parade of Homes App for iPhone & Droid user-with GPS tracking systems (priceless)
-Full-Page Color ad in the Florida Weekly Parade insert ($4,050 value) 95,000+ readership in Florida Weekly network
-Parade of Homes Program Cover ($2,500 value)
-Model featured in Florida Weekly Ad ($2,500 value)
-Model featured in Home & Design Magazine ad ($2,500 value)
-Model featured in Naples Illustrated ad ($2,500 value)
-Model ad on CBIA website homepage for an entire year ($600 value)
-Model photos added to member profile on the website for 1 year -(up to 7 photos) ($1,500 value)
-Model featured in upcoming news articles and press releases (priceless)
-Model featured in the CBIA social media outlets; Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter (priceless)
-Package allows Builder to add up to 5 models in the Parade ($7,750 value)
Click here to learn more
Technical Issues
If you experience problems, immediately email awards@cbia.net.